Is It The Real Islam?
In my previous article, I wrote about how people misjudge Islam from what is written or shown in the media. Sadly, the media isn't the only medium where you can get wrong facts about Islam. Internet Is one of the greatest innovation by man. Now we are living in an Information Age where you can search just about anything in the billion or so web pages out there. So people curious about Islam will naturally search about Islam on the Internet to find some answers to some questions they might have.
Now this is where the trouble starts. I hate to tell you this, but the piece of information about Islam that you might have read on the Internet, might not be Islamic teachings at all. That's right, you heard me right. But you must be thinking, but the websites I visited looked and felt like Islamic websites with Arabic calligraphy and intricate designs. Just like how fraudsters use Phishing technique to cheat you by directing you to a fake website that looks almost identical to the website of your bank, likewise there are lots of devious cults and sects that proclaim to be Islamic and these groups try to misinform both Muslims and non Muslims. I am not saying that all websites about Islam are fakes, it's just that you can to be careful of where you get the basic information. For your convenience I have given links to some very good Islamic Websites.